Tuesday, 13 February 2007

O Porto

O Quarto
Brazilian escape the room by Me Pixa. But as well as a Portuguese version there is an English one too. Search for hidden items to help you..... well, get out of the room, as usual! We love our escape the room games!


Anonymous said...

Crayons in drawer, Knife, of course, under pillow.

Anonymous said...

Actually 'chemicals' not crayons, LOL!

Anonymous said...

Wish we had spoiler tags!

Got knife and chemicals, found blue gem under chest of drawers. Used knife on secret panel at bottom of chest of drawers for a note and a key.

Use key on the top drawer but don't take the picture.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, meant you can only look at the pictogram scratched on the base of the drawer. I also found a white gem inside.

Anonymous said...

Knife under pillow, torn card under bed. Coloured test tubes in drawer by bed. Blue gem under chest of drawers.

Think I got the thing called 'dirty gem' from the picture on the wall.

There is blood under the carpet but now I'm stuck.

Anonymous said...

Aaaah! found a notebook pc to left of chest.

Anonymous said...

Red gem in under chair leg

Anonymous said...

Hi guys, I gave up on this. Now trying again, maybe I'm not so tired, but now I can put the two pieces of paper together!

And use it,guess how.